From Restoration to Exploration, Florida Puts Focus on Water Resources

Polk County secures $598 million for lower aquifer drilling

EPA provides $305M in WIFIA loans to Polk Regional Water Cooperative, Florida

Polk County’s Alternative Water Supply Program will construct two new water production facilities to help reduce strain on the Upper Floridian Aquifer.
Polk County receives $305 million in federal funds to support alternative water

POLK COUNTY, Fla. — Sustaining the local drinking water supply is a growing concern in Polk County.
Polk County drills new super wells to ensure future water supply

POLK COUNTY, Fla. — A shortage in the drinking water supply is a growing concern in Polk County as the county sees a huge population boom.
PRWC featured in segment by Fox 13 News Tampa Bay

Polk County drills two new super wells to prevent water supply shortage as population booms
PRWC featured in article by Florida Trend

Facing shortages, an Ocala developer and Polk cities embrace conservation efforts.