Providing Clean, Safe Water for Polk County Now and for Future Generations
Our Mission
Welcome to the Polk Regional Water Cooperative (PRWC) website. As we look at the individual and regional needs of our communities, we know something needs to be done to ensure the future of our precious water supply. This concern is shared equally by Polk County and all its municipalities. With the State of Florida identifying sustainable water services as one of its top environmental and legislative priorities, PRWC was formed to lead planning for Polk County's future water supply needs.
Our Role
PRWC’s role is to proactively identify alternative water resources and projects that ensure the future sustainability of our regional water supply. PRWC will develop strategies that meet the long-term water demands of Polk County, determine needed infrastructure, and facilitate a regional conservation program which encourages the responsible use of our water resources. Oversight of PRWC is solely in the hands of the elected officials from 16 member governments, consisting of 15 cities and Polk County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.
Learn about the projects that PRWC plans to use for future residential and commercial needs throughout Polk County.
View answers to questions most commonly asked about the Polk Regional Water Cooperative

News & Events
Stay updated with the latest news and events for Polk Regional Water Cooperative.

Learn about conservation tips and discover new ways to save water in every day life.

View frequently asked questions about the Polk Regional Water Cooperative and its projects.


Public Records Requests
Public records requests should be directed to the records custodian at [email protected] or (863) 248-7388.